Good Cup of Coffee and Customer Service

A good cup of coffee can be the start to anyones day. It is part of routine but is comfort a good thing when it comes to selling a home?
It is another Monday Morning. The clouds have yet to be lifted and the sun doesn't seem to want to show its face. Some people may still be asleep. Some may still be on their third of 4th cup of coffee (If that's you please drink safely). Currently, I am on my first trying to plan my day. What would peoples day be without coffee or a morning routine. You may be the person that drinks tea or does yoga to start the day. Though I don't do it as often as I should, but maybe your sitting down with your Bible to start your day through the Lord. Any way you do it, Why do you do it? Is it something we've become so routine too? Maybe. The truth is people like comfort. They like knowing that each day there will be something consistent in their life. 

Is comfort good when it comes to selling homes?  Sometimes a price can be set and the sellers or builders are comfortable with the price they have set. And i've asked a bunch of questions this morning and that's because I believe that the customers opinion is just as important as mine. But ponder on this, there is interest in a beautiful home but there is a direct correlation between lack of action and price. What do you think? What are the best things to do when a home isn't selling. My plan is to sit down with a good cup of coffee and make it my routine to engage customers and clients. Thank you for reading.

Written By: Blake Monroe


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