Who are you tomorrow because of today?

Who Are You Tomorrow Because of Today?

I know last week we wrote about being yourself/ staying true to yourself in 2019, but what was 2018 to you? How did the previous 365 days define you as a person? Did you graduate from high school or college? Did you find a new job? Start a new business? Get engaged? Get married? Buy a house? If not, make that your new years resolution and contact us today. We love helping people find their next home.
On a more serious note though, just remember that some people did nothing more than go through 2018 hoping for something a little different next year. We have all had ups and downs and celebrations over the past year, but guess what? We are still here. We still get to wake up tomorrow, blessed that we are still here and have the opportunity to start 2019. The reason I ask, "What was 2018 to you?" is because, "who are we tomorrow, without today?" Each day shapes and molds us into the people we are. So, therefore, 2018 has made us, good or bad, the people we are for 2019. No group of politics, managers, or family members can tell you how good or not good we are; that is between you and the Lord. So this is just a quick reminder, continue to love yourself and love others as you head into a new year; a new tomorrow.


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