Don't Fear Being a Realtor

With so many things to not be afraid of in life, what are somethings that many people are afraid of?

So, as of late, the number one movie in America seems to be Birdbox. I have personally yet to see it but hear that the reason behind wearing the blind folds is to keep from seeing certain creatures. Apparently, these creatures, if seen, show someone their worst fear. Just reading up on this movie made me start to wonder, "what is my worst fear?" "What is someone else's worst fear?" Some people may answer by saying one of their obvious fears such as heights, spiders, snakes, or being alone, but what really scares us?
In this business, today, things that scare me (and probably most other realtors) are high interest rates, clients that can not get approved for a loan, spending hours on end with a client just to see them chose a different home, not having people show up to an open house. There are so many things that make me want to keep my blind fold on. Things that would keep me from selling homes, or having a less stressful day. But there are also reasons why I don't want the blind fold on. And when I say reasons, I really mean just one reason, and that is finding the perfect home for a family that deserves it. So yes, those other reasons, some days, make this line of work irritating but I wouldn't ever want to have that blind fold on when a client smiles as they walk into their new home. Because there is no fear in seeing the joy of others.


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