What Does Home Mean to YOU?!

    What Does Home Mean to You?

    As Christmas quickly approaches, the feelings, emotions, and joy that comes with the seasons are starting to radiate. People are putting up their trees, decorating their homes, and starting to buy presents; all in time for the family to come Christmas day. Will they be coming to your HOUSE, another family members HOUSE, a friends HOUSE? Where will all your company come to. Maybe you have kids off at college or deployed and you want nothing more to be with them for the Holidays. The question being asked, are they coming to a house or are they coming HOME? Because HOME is full of memories, love, happiness, sadness, joy, and a sense of belonging. That is a home. A HOUSE is a structure that provides you with shelter. It is nothing more but walls and a roof. It who is in that house, who is in that house that makes it a HOME. So... What does home mean to you?!


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