How is The Radio Related to Realestate?

How is The Radio Related to Realestate? With all the radio stations to chose from, is this same kind of selection typical in Realestate? There is always that one song that comes on the radio that completely changes your outlook on life. Instantly, what used to be your brake pedal is now a kick drum. Your steering wheel has transformed into a complete band with your seat belt taking the lead guitars' place. Maybe the song is Eye of the Tiger, or something Ed Sheeran, either way this music has transformed your day. You are ready to take on whatever comes your way.... But wait. What's that? Why are they talking about used cars all of a sudden? It is a commercial. The down fall to those that listen to normal radio. But we, a listeners, are in luck. There is another station. We can scan through more stations with hopes of running across another song to change our mood and re set the stage in our cars. Are options like these not what you want when looking for a house as we...